DELICIOUS and vegetarian MEALS...
At Awakeland Portugal, the food is always the most local and health-conscious possible.
Our meals are 100% vegan, mixing colours and flavours of the Earth, and using products planted and cared for by us whenever possible.
When we cook, we do it with Love and Joy, and are most often inspired by our gardens themselves.
We use the very minimum of processed products possible and give high priority to local producers and national products. The tea we drink, for example, always has and always will come from our own gardens.
Versatile and imaginative, our Food Creators adapt to all requests/solicitations of the teachers/facilitators/therapists who work with us as well as the needs/restrictions of each participant. Always looking for that special taste, balanced meals brings a passion to the art of eating.
To nourish the body is to nourish the mind and soul. Eating high-quality food, with good company, in peace, truly has magical effects on all aspects of being. Nourishing ourselves well is one of the most essential ways to maintain our place on the path of love and light...and that’s our focus, day-to-day.
For accommodation in Algarve, retreat venue hire, and as a meditation tantra and yoga centre, we have the right food for you!