Dance, Movement and Healing gathering
Movimento é consciência. Movimento é medicina.
Movimento é magia!
A brisa de verão acaricia os cabelos molhados, a terra crua aquece os pés, o céu estrelado é palco e horizonte.. é tempo de celebrarmos o movimento nas suas mais diversas expressões, na 5a edição do Awake Dance Celebration - a maior celebração do movimento consciente em Portugal!
O movimento é a essência da natureza, celebrado desde tempos imemoriais por todas as culturas ao redor do mundo enquanto ritual e celebração, numa infinidade de magníficas e sublimes expressões.
Através do movimento conectamos com a nossa alma para que ela se possa expressar de forma livre e sem condicionamentos. Se te queres juntar a nós neste caminho esperam-te quatro dias mágicos, repletos de diferentes estilos de movimento cultural, da Biodanza ao Trance Dance, do contact improv aos 5 Ritmos.. meditação, Yoga, muita comida saudável e muitos sorrisos, a surpresa e o maravilhamento em cada recanto deste canto mágico do mundo.
Vamos conectarmos no movimento, vamos cantar, dançar, desfrutar bem alto e partilhar este mesmo amor e paixão!
Movement is medicine
Awake Dance Celebration - a gathering to rejuvenate ourselves through movement.
Movement and dance lead us to a deeper connection to our intuition and inspiration. It connects us to our bodies, hearts, mind. It also connects us to each other. We move for fun, for love, for change, to heal, for life and for the love of music. Join us for 5 days event of transformational workshops.
Attend and participate in workshops with 9 styles of dance and movement. We have Biodanza, Trance dance, 5 Rhythms, as well as Ecstatic dance... and a few other surprises.
During the gathering you will also find yoga and meditation workshops, as well as sharing circles and our delicious, healthy vegetarian food.
This healing dance gathering is held in one of the most beautiful natural landscapes in Europe, in the natural beauty of Awakeland Portugal.
After moving and dancing all day, you'll need to rest. We have several types of comfortable accommodation to suit your needs.
You can choose what suits your accommodation needs best: in nature with glamping tents, camping, or inside with a double or triple room, or dormitory
See "accommodation options" below.
At the end of this healing Awake Celebration, we will be planting trees for our reforestation project as we have done in the past.
* Not included in the price: transportation, treatments
Come join us as we dance for the trees. Spend five unforgettable days at our European movement and dance festival.
This healing Awake Dance Celebration gathering will change your life!
* 5 Rhythms - Rui & Sabine
* Ecstatic Dance - Rute Novais
* Biodanza - Rita Neves
* Gratitude Dance Ceremony - Deva Shamim
* Trance Dance - Luisa Pereira
* Movement Medicine - Shivani
* Tantra Dance - Deva Ashik
* Reconnect Dance - Pedro Paz
* Osho Active Meditations - Puja Mariana
* Yoga - Lakshmi
* Massage
* Planting trees
and much more...
Limited tickets starting at €tbc + Food & Accommodation package
ACCOMMODATION PACKAGES - see details below
Bed in Triple room or twin bell tents
4 nights = €tbc
1 place in Double room - book with partner or friend
4 nights = €tbc
Single Glamping (only 2 available - by email only)
4 nights = €tbc
4 nights = €tbc
4 nights = €tbc
Camper Van
4 nights = €tbc
Car parking tickets are €tbc for the duration of the gathering due to limited space. Please try lift sharing as much as possible.
Electric cars come free!
https://www.blablacar.com/ is great to find/share lifts
Please view our Cancellation Policy
First Class Dance Facilitators guiding you on a journey of movement

RUI & SABINE - 5 Rhythms
“5 Rhythms", created by Gabriele Roth, is a form of mediation in movement that awakens the essence of our inner dance to flow in the creativity of the moment. In 5 Rhythms dance, we enter into an energetic field that we call "wave", with 5 different vibrations: "flowing"-instinct "staccato"-intimacy "chaos"- intuition "lyrical"-integrity and "stillness"-innovation. It is in this evolutive cycle of vital energy that the synchronicity with reality happens, while we explore the mystery of the truth that heals, that only the body can reveal.
Come to dance in the same way you write poetry!

RITA NEVES – Biodanza
Rita Neves is a Biodanza facilitator at Quinta da Calma, in Almancil, in an abundant and happy partnership with Andreia Bruno, and Coordinator of the SRT School of Biodanza in the Algarve.
She fell in love with Biodanza in 2014 and since then has made a path, as a student and facilitator, immersing herself in this process of integration and expression of Identity, through this great art of living and learning to be happy.
Her life has been abundant and full of surprises, integrated in many worlds, linked to the arts, theater, and poetry, which have always given her the wonder of nonsense, laughter, the subtle and the excessive. She’s grateful to Life for having four beautiful children, a loving companion, a family full of affection, containment and laughter, delicious and inspiring friends, and the incredible luck of living in the Algarve, land of sun, poetry, and various mixtures.
She will be present at Awakeland Celebration 2022 to facilitate a Biodanza class, with the proposal to dance as children of the Stars, present in this Here and Now to sing and dance the glory of Living, in a deep loving connection.
Biodanza is a system of human development, organic renewal, affective integration, and relearning of the original functions of life, which invites connection with oneself, with the Other and with the Totality, through an experiential methodology that induces integrative experiences through music, singing, movement and human encounter.
“The primordial movement is the first generator of our libertarian essence, the original seed that pulsates and drives the being towards Life, which tends to flourish in ever fuller dimensions of a cosmogonic being and creator of himself. We deeply accept the existence of a libertarian human essence, in something interior that drives the being to realization, whose origin does not reside in consciousness, but in our animal and wild root”
(Rolando Toro)

PUJA MARIANA - Osho Active Meditations
Her passion and commitment to self development has brought her to explore several areas of therapy and meditation, like Primal Therapy, Tantra, Osho Active Meditations, Subtle Body Healing, Somatic Experience, Thetahealing, etc…
Puja has been offering deep inner work processes around body/mind/spiritual healing for the last 11 years.
In this Gathering she will be offering one of her greatest passions: Osho Active Meditations - a potent tool for our modern life, designed to help us to connect deeper to silence through movement, dance, breath and sound.
She will also offer a Conscious Body Care Workshop inviting us to connect more to our body, learning how to listen to its needs and ways to deeply relax our system.

DECLAN - Contact Dance Playground
Declan has been dancing, teaching and organising contact dance festivals, retreats and events for 14 years in India (Goa), Bali, Ibiza and rest of Europe. he has also been guest musician, dance teacher and performer at various European festivals. Also a multi instrumentalist musician and DJ, he likes to combine all these elements to create a magical, playful and safe space to explore movement and connection with oneself and others. His signature event is the Contact Dance Playground - a Magical Journey where you are free to explore and communicate through movement, sound and touch.
A non verbal space which creates a magical space of NO MIND. A magical space where we are all connected in the dance and playfulness together. A space of Unity which we all hold together.
it doesn’t matter if you have never done contact before or if you are professional. Our only focus is co creating a magical and sacred space together..
Non verbal does Not mean silent! In the Playground Declan will play experimental downtempo electronica mixed with live instruments to create a diverse spectrum of sound landscapes combining downtempo ambient, with sensual, ethereal, positive, uplifting and playful melodies. This evokes a wide range of emotions and many layers from which dancers can choose to move, to play, contact and connect to themselves and others..

SHIVANI - Movement Medicine
Shivani brings warmth, depth and authenticity to all her offerings, from group sessions to 1-1 coaching.
Having trained in Dance/ Movement Psychotherapy and Movement Medicine in the UK, she has been teaching Movement Medicine for the past 6 years in Lisbon and Aljezur (Portugal), in London (UK) and online.
She loves to dance; her dance and embodied presence is one of her main assets and inspirations to others, as much as her quest for truth, freedom and authenticity in the way she lives her life.
Her approach draws from other conscious dance practices, psychotherapy, conscious intimacy, meditation and satsang. She is also trained in Medicine and Photography.
Find out more about Shivani's work here: https://www.facebook.com/movementmedicinewithshivani

RUTE NOVAIS - Ecstatic Dance
Dance moved her through life.
Dance is the vehicle where she founds deep and high level landscapes that allow growth and daydreaming.
Imagine a child that always love to create stories growing into advertising and design.
In a moment, all of that sparkling environment seemed insufficient for a mind full of dreams, a wonderer about human life, creativity and soul expansion.
Osho books, meditations and dance were the doors that took this woman into a self-discover journey since then.
She changed advertising for teaching, and big events production for retreats and deep soul diving.
She fell in love with Ecstatic Dance and planted it in Portugal ten years ago!
She hold the space for it in Lisbon and Sintra.
She also works on a ONGD for 13 years fighting ocean pollution.
As you meet, one can see what moves her: people and the creative potential that can be revealed.

DEVA ASHIK - Tantra Dance
Ashik is on the path of the unity in service of Sacred Sexuality. His meditation practice focuses on the body, it reveals the holiness of everything. He has worked from Primal to Shamanism, Holistic Massage to Emotional Expression, Bioenergetics to Sufism.
He is a Sannyasin deeply touched by Osho’s Active Meditations and Tantra practice. He is a certified therapist in Tantra, Yoga, Learning Love and Breathwork.
He is the founder and lives at Awakeland Portugal.
Ashik loves to learn and to teach, and above all to experience. He leads Tantra trainings and seminars around the world. He believes that the great shift is to stop trying to change and accept what is, in sync with Mother Earth and Heart acceptance.
Ashik’s joy is expressed through gratitude and celebration of life.
He will be offering TANTRA DANCE masterclass at Awake Dance Celebration

DEVA SHAMIM - Gratitude Dance Ceremony
Dance has been always part of Shamim’s path. She was a Belly dancer, performer and teacher for many years. Dance is a very important medicine tool which she uses either in Woman Circles and Retreats that she organises regularly. Shamim is an Osho Sanyasin by heart! Initiated at the Osho Meditation Resort in Puna, India, Shamim did the Active Meditation and Women Liberation & Love Training.
For several years Shamim has learned and practiced different Techniques and Traditions to align the Human Being to their True Potential! She also had the opportunity to learn from Indigenous Medicine Women of blood and soul, who carry to us their wisdom and ancestral rituals. Created the Retreat Womans Path, 17 years ago, which happens regularly in Portugal and other countries.
The South and Central Americas have been great teachers for Shamim, with their traditions and shamanic teachings of different lineages for the Healing of the Human Being. Shamim has been participating, learning and organizing Plant Diets in the Peruvian Amazon for 18 years. Also in Peru, in the sacred Valley, she was initiated into the Inka Priesthood by Incas Priest, Kamaq Wagek and Atuna Runa.
Shamim guides regular sacred shamanic ceremonies of healing.
She has graduated as a Bioenergetics Therapist at the Centro Namasté Bioenergética e Meditação Activas, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
She trained as Sweat Lodge Keeper with Eve Meier, in the shamanic center, Quinta da Mãe Terra, Algarve, Soul Hunting Healer, formed by Wilbert Alix and Moon Mother trained by Miranda Gray.
She recently completed a course as Feng Shui Consultant service. Presenting as Deva Shamim, a fusion of all the experiences, formations, ceremonies, dances, workshops, experiences that life has generously allowed me to experience.

PEDRO PAZ - Reconnect & Move in Touch
A dancer and researcher in the field of Conscious Movement, Contact and Improvisation, dedicating himself to dance since he was a child. Pedro was trained in classical and contemporary dance techniques by the National Conservatory and worked with independent companies and groups. He directed projects and artistic residencies, as well as retreats, workshops and meetings, having today about twenty years of professional experience as a teacher and choreographer.
He is focused on the theme "Self Awareness towards the Collective Energy Field", a research extended to the public for several years as Reconnect Dance. The vision of this work is to become aware of the body and its movement, through simple dynamics accessible to all, which enable expression and creativity.
Pedro believes, through a lot of evidence, that dancing liberates oneself and promotes self-confidence, awakening the will and the curiosity to interact, thus flourishing our potential to be ... whole, fluid, with spontaneity and focus .. Presence.

Soul Medicine, Soul Artist, Facilitator, researcher and motivator of experiences (Growth, Transformers, Integrative Reformers). Her work is developed through the exploration and integration of linear and non-linear realities, through creativity, expression and movement. Eternal seeker of these spaces and times of connection between worlds, linear and non-linear, visible and invisible and meeting the Infinite that inhabits us. Creator of S.H.E.E. - Being Human in Evolution a personal and human development program and is passionate about movement and its connection to the body and consciousness, facilitating Ritual Trance Dance, Inspiration & Movement sessions, Creative exploration experiences, Circles, Retreats and Workshops. She says that one of the best ways to describe the purpose of her work is a phrase by Píndaro, Greek poet, “Become who you are!”.
Continuously amazed by the HUMAN Being, by Nature and by the connection to Infinity! Luisa is a Trance Dance Facilitator since 2006. From 2012 to 2018, she apprenticed and assisted Wilbert Alix, founder of Trance Dance International, in the Trance Dance Facilitators Training & Trance Dance International workshops.

Triple Room
Eco upcycled marine containers converted into rooms. All have bedding and a shower towel per person. Shared bathrooms. Please bring your own swimming towel
Price includes 3 delicious vegan meals a day.
Price €tbc

Camp in style in one of our Bell Tents or Tipis.
Bell tents have 2 single beds in each and Tipis have a single bed. Shared bathrooms. All glamping tents have proper beds, bedding and a shower towel per person.
Price includes 3 delicious vegan meals a day.
Price €tbc

Double Room
Eco upcycled marine containers converted into rooms. All have bedding and a shower towel per person and air conditioning. Shared bathrooms. This option is best for 2 people booking together.
Price includes 3 delicious vegan meals a day.
Price €tbc

Camper Van / RV
You're most welcome to bring your own home on wheels, space is limited!
Price includes 3 delicious vegan meals a day.
Price €tbc
Please view our Cancellation Policy
3 delicious meals freshly prepared just for you every day!

When we dance and move, we give it all we've got, that's why replenishing our beloved bodies is so important.
The Awakeland kitchen angels will take care of all your nutritional needs by freshly preparing 3 delicious vegan meals a day.
Meals are served buffet style on the terrace of the main house, overlooking the valley.
No need to be concerned about anything else but moving your body!
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Connie's experience at Awake Dance Celebration

Awake Celebration